VK2WI Live Data

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VK2WI Polecam

Note: Polecam is currently unavailable due to lightning damage. We hope to restore operation later in 2023.

VK2WI Weather

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VK2RWI Repeater Status

Coming soon...

Last updated at: Sorry, live updates currently unavailable

ARNSW RadNet Repeater Status

For more information about all RadNet repaters and system status, visit the RadNet microsite

Current status of VK2RWI RadNet Repeater
Current Statusavailable
Frequency TX/RX438.6/433.6 Mhz
TX output Pwr30 W
Router Latency100.64.146.9 is alive (3.72 ms)
Repeater Latency100.64.147.58 is alive (3.76 ms)
Site Voltage240v - (14.3 VDC)
Site Temperature19 C
Site Uptimeuptime: 11w6d1h20m10s
Registration2022-06-11 19:43:01(local) ok
Coverage HT/Mobile 10152 Km² Base 15296 Km² Population 3447920

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