VK2WI News Broadcasts

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VK2WI News Broadcasts

Amateur Radio New South Wales conducts two news broadcasts on Sunday from VK2WI, their facilities at 63 Quarry Rd Dural.

The morning bulletin commences at 10am local time with a relay of VK1WIA National news, then local VK2WI news follows from about 10:30am. The evening bulletin, starting at 7:30pm local time, consists of an expanded version of the VK2WI news including the DX report, as well as occasional technical features.

After each news broadcast callbacks are taken on most of the frequencies used. The below table lists the bands and frequencies currently used by VK2WI.

Band Frequency, MHz Mode
160m 1.845 AM
80m 3.595 LSB
(Sunday morning only) 5.425 USB [note1]
40m 7.146 AM
30m 10.125 USB
20m 14.170 USB
10m 28.320 USB
6m 52.525 FM
2m 145.6/147.0 FM
70cm 438.525 FM
23cm 1273.5 FM
Note 1. The transmission using the callsign VKE580 has been added to provide linking for manual relay stations. Callbacks cannot be taken on this frequency as it is currently a Commercial frequency allocation.
Note that transmission is Upper Sideband (contrary to normal amateur practice below 10MHz)

Occasional SSB transmissions are made on:

17 metres - 18.120MHz (USB)
15 metres - 21.170MHz (USB)
12 metres - 24.950 MHz (USB)
6 metres  -  52.150 MHz
2 metres - 144.150 MHz
70 cm      - 432.150 MHz

VK2WI HF Transmitters

VK2RWI Repeaters

Live Stream of VK2WI News Broadcasts


You can listen live or download audio from our Live and On-demand audio page.

VK2WI News text

The text on this site is extracted from the script of the VK2WI Evening News. It is usually loaded to this page on the Monday evening after the bulletin goes to air.

Download Latest Bulletin Text - Sunday 23rd of June 2024

Text for Previous Broadcasts
June 2024
2nd  9th  23rd  
May 2024
5th  12th  19th  26th  
April 2024
7th  14th  21st  28th  
March 2024
3rd  10th  17th  24th  31st  
February 2024
4th  11th  18th  25th  
January 2024
14th  21st  28th  

Older files are available by request by email to news@arnsw.org.au.

News and Information for the VK2WI Broadcast

The preferred way to submit items for inclusion in VK2WI News is by email to the news team, at news@arnsw.org.au. Please get your items in by the Friday evening preceding the broadcast they are to be included in. When submitting news items please specify if you would like the item to run for more than one week. Items may not need to run continuously as all coming events will be included in the summary of coming events, which is included in each bulletin.

Audio items can also be accepted, but please email in advance for format and submission details.

If you would like to report to VK2WI on any aspects of the broadcast (including reception reports or difficulties) please send your report to  callbacks@arnsw.org.au. If you urgently need to contact us regarding transmission, call 02 9444 0111  (VK2WI voice line) to contact the duty engineer.

At other times, you can contact the ARNSW office

ARNSW announcer desk

VK2WI News Team - Volunteers Wanted

We always welcome more volunteers to help take part in getting our news bulletins to air. Besides the announcer you hear on air and the engineer that helps put the news to air, we also have people involved with production of scripts and audio items. If you would like to volunteer, either email news@arnsw.org.au or contact the ARNSW office.

Photos of HF transmitters and engineering console courtesy of Peter VK2TPM.